sun near horizon

Womb of Life

I am a woman
I wish to sing to the innermost part
of my being: My Womb

a hidden inner part like the heart ,
as tiny as the heart!
Did you know that both are
the size of a relaxed fist?

Did you know the Womb
is another heart?
source of life, a Cosmic Heart?

In the ancient science of Tai Chi Chuan
of which I am a modern teacher
a truly relaxed fist “the Supreme Ultimate Fist”
is the one that conquers the world

That is why I sing to the Womb!
this Ultimate Jewel of Life we females carry inside

Strange that Freud talked of Penis envy… Why?

Let us now forever level the scale
and arrive at the balance
of Male and Female

two perfect sides of life’s Oneness


The Solar Plexus is
in the very Center of my body

there the Womb resides

the Womb is like the Sun
a true Doorway
to Life

when I was young I sang to birth
for through my womb
five children came to bless this world

now I am a Crone
and am paradoxically singing
to my womb

my very old and worn womb
that was removed
in the operating room of a modern hospital

I was conscious through the operation
blessing it in Sacred Ceremony
(I had chosen spinal anesthesia)

in spirit I became one with the operating team
of two extraordinarily courageous surgeons
who along with their assistants were experts
in the art of cutting and sewing living bodies

I was in awe of their skills and vocation

my main surgeon Doctor Elisabeth Baca
is a beautiful woman in her forties,
part of the medical team at a holistic clinic,
that operates out of Mercy Regional Hospital
in Durango, Colorado

her assistant surgeon was herself a young mother to be,
a woman doctor in the last month of her own pregnancy,
expecting her first child.

my anesthesiologist was a gentle man
a seasoned doctor that day in and day out
works with great awareness of his sacred profession

his assistant was also a male
and their energy was exactly
what I needed.

the other two members of the operating team were nurses
as I was wheeled into the operating room
I only saw their loving eyes behind surgical masks

I entered that room in heightened awareness,
with the utmost prayer of my life

silently, inside my Self, I opened Sacred Space
and enfolded the whole room and the whole hospital and the whole team
into “the sacred Holon,” a diamond of Light

for the Operation
I was placed inside a paper-tent,
to seal out of sight the lower part of my body:

I became Conscious Breath

at the end of the operation
–that because of my conscious cooperation
took only half of the allocated time–
I chose to see my uterus after it was out
to lovingly bid it a grateful farewell

that interaction with my womb
was the strangest moment –
a new birth: my own!

yes, that hysterectomy
was for me an “ego-sectomy”
a true baptism of love, humility and respect
an entrance into the Oneness
of the human community
our human condition

the true meaning of life
is not dependent on what happens to us
but how we interpret what happens

I chose to receive this experience
as a great blessing, a great healing

with my old womb I let go of old pain
I let go of the past

with my new birth
came a totally positive attitude

I am now ready to receive
a new womb
a Womb of Light
to help birth the future
of humankind

I am recovering my creativity
to again write, write my truth, write my life

for a long time my art was stagnant and stopped
like my old womb, clogged up
with a fibroid tumor that against my conscious power
was growing and growing

the operation was needed and the lessons from it
are like a beautiful garden of many flowers

I am now learning, growing and healing

Let me continue to reflect
on the sublime power of the Womb.

surfers on a wave

Today I wish to sing to the very womb of Life
the Womb of Nature and Earth
The “Our Father” in Aramaic, the Prayer Jesus taught,
starts with the word “A B W O U N”
a word forgotten now in the consciousness of humanity
a word that describes God not only as Father
but also as Womb
yes: the Divine is the Womb of Life
Life itself is WOMB

So I shall sing to God The Mother
Womb of Creation:

my cells are rocked in dolphin and whale lullabies
there is a Song in the sea

I dip my tongue in the primeval salty water of ancient oceans
the amniotic fluid of all earth life

Oh mother Matter, Mater that matters
my song is a prayer to not ever desecrate thy Womb

my song is a vow of love and respect for all life
from amoebas to ants to stars

Mother, I will tend your Garden,
to build a sustainable culture in a new City of Light

I see earth domes –villages of peace
blossoming over the entire face of our Earth

thank you Nature, thank you Mother
Womb of Peace

/Pilar, January , 2008