This page has long been a rough draft of what I have in mind for it. The picture below is part of some shelves with books I want to get to know better. Many have been lightly touched, a few have been read in full at least once. I’m considering how to organize the references.
Current Reading / Recommendations
Jill Bolte Taylor [Whole Brain Living]
Gabor Maté [The Myth of Normal]
Margaret Wheatley [Who Do We Choose To Be? – book excerpt – new edition, “80% new material” published June 2023]
“Everything is Connected”
Henri Bortoft [Wholeness of Nature, Taking Appearance Seriously]
Goethe [The Metamorphosis of Plants]
Macy, Joanna [Mutual Causality in Buddhism and General Systems Theory / The Dharma of Natural Systems]
Schad, Wolfgang [Threefoldness in Humans and Mammals – book excerpts, The Nature Institute ]
Conway, John H. & Richard K. Guy [The Book of Numbers]